
Διεθνή Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά:

1.             Manios Y, Kafatos A, Markakis G. (1998) Physical activity in 6-year-old children: validation of two proxy Manios Y, Kafatos A, Markakis G. (1998) Physical activity in 6-year-old children: validation of two proxy reports. Pediatric Exercise Science. 10:176-188. (IF/2005:1.576)

2.             Manios Y, Kafatos A, Mamalakis G. (1998) The effects of a health education intervention initiated at 1st grade over a 3-year period: physical activity and fitness indices. Health Education Research. 13:593-605. (IF/2005:1.303)

3.             Manios Y, Kafatos A, Codrington C. (1999). Gender differences in physical activity and physical fitness in young children in Crete. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 39:24-30. (IF/2005:0.856)

4.             Manios Y, Moschandrea J, Hatzis H, Kafatos A. (1999). Evaluation of a Health and Nutrition Education Program in Primary School Children of Crete over a 3 Year Period. Preventive Medicine. 28:149-159. (IF/2005: 2.195)

5.             Kafatos A, Manios Y, Markatji I, Giachetti I, Vaz de Almeida M, Engstrom L. (1999). Regional, demographic and national influences on attitudes and beliefs with regard to physical activity, body-weight and health in a nationally representative sample in the European Union. Public Health Nutrition. 2:87-95. (IF/2005:1.918)

6.             Manios Y, Kafatos A. (1999). Health and Nutrition Education in Elementary schools: Changes in health knowledge, nutrient intakes and physical activity over a six-year period. Public Health Nutrition. 2:445-48. (IF/2005:1.918)

7.             Bramley PM, Elmadfa I, Kafatos A, Kelly FJ, Manios Y, Roxborough HE, Schuch W, Sheeny PJA and Wagner K-H. (2000). Review Vitamin E. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 80:913-938. (IF/2005:0.996)

8.             Mamalakis G, Kafatos A, Manios Y, Anagnostopoulou T, Apostolaki I. (2000). Obesity indices in a cohort of primary school children in Crete: a six year prospective study. International Journal of Obesity. 24:765-771. (IF/2005:4.482)

9.             Manios Y, Boreham C, Kafatos A. (2000). Childhood obesity: The Role of Physical Activity and Diet. Bahrain Medical Bulletin. 22:103-112. 

10.         Mamalakis G, Kafatos A, Manios Y, Kalogeropoulos N, Andrikopoulos N. (2001) Adipose fat quality vs. quantity: relationships with children's serum lipid levels. Preventive Medicine. 33:525-535. (IF/2005: 2.195)

11.         Mamalakis G, Kafatos A, Manios Y, Kalogeropoulos N, Andrikopoulos N. (2002) Abdominal vs buttock adipose fat: relationships with children's serum lipid levels. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 56:1081-1086. (IF/2005:2.163)

12.         Manios Y, Moschandreas J, Kafatos A, Hatzis C. (2002). Health and Nutrition Education in Elementary schools: Changes in chronic diseases risk factors following a 6-year intervention programme. British Journal of Nutrition. 88:315-324. (IF/2005:2.967)

13.         Panagiotakos DB, Kokkinos P, Manios Y, Pitsavos C. (2004) Physical activity and markers of inflammation and thrombosis related to coronary heart disease. Preventive Cardiology Journal, 7(4):190-194.

14.         Manios Y, Dimitriou M, Moschonis G, Kocaoglu B, Sur H, Keskin Y, Hayran OC. (2004) Cardiovascular disease risk factors among children of different socioeconomic status in Istanbul-Turkey: Directions for Public Health and Nutrition Policy. Lipids in Health and Diseases, 3(1):11

15.         Maniadakis K, Lasaridi K, Manios Y, Kyriacou M, Manios T. (2004) Integrated waste management through producers and consumers education: composting of vegetable crop residues for reuse in cultivation. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, 39(1):169-183. (IF/2005:0.862)

16.         Dedoussis G, Manios Y, Choumerianou D, Yannakouris N, Panagiotakos DB, Skenderi K, Zampelas A. (2004). The IL-6 gene G-174C polymorphism related to health indices in Greek primary school children. Obesity Research, 12(7):1037-1041. (IF/2005:3.972)

17.         Manios Y, Yiannakouris N, Papoutsakis C, Moschonis G, Magkos F, Skenderi K, Zampelas A (2004) Behavioral and physiological indices related to BMI in a cohort of primary schoolchildren in Greece. American Journal of Human Biology. 16(6):639-647. (IF/2005:1.489)

18.         Magkos F, Manios Y, Babaroutsi E, Sidossis LS. (2005) Contralateral differences in quantitative ultrasound of the heel: the importance of side in clinical practice. Osteoporosis International. 16(8):879-86 Dec 7. Epub 2004 Dec 7. (IF/2005:4.216)

19.         Magkos F, Manios Y, Christakis G, Kafatos AG. (2005) Secular trends in cardiovascular risk factors among school-aged boys from Crete, Greece, 1982-2002. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 59(1):1-7. (IF/2005:2.163)

20.         Keskin Y, Moschonis G, Dimitriou M, Kocaoglu B, Sur H, Hayran OC, Manios Y, (2005). Prevalence of iron deficiency among schoolchildren of different socio-economic status in urban Turkey. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 59(1):64-71. (IF/2005:2.163)

21.         Babaroutsi E, Magkos F, Manios Y, Sidossis LS. (2005) Lifestyle factors affecting heel ultrasound in Greek females across different life stages. Osteoporosis International. 16(5):552-561. Epub 2005 Feb 2 (IF/2005:4.216).

22.         Kocaoglu B, Moschonis G, Dimitriou M, Kolotourou M, Keskin Y, Sur H, Hayran O, Manios Y. (2005) Parental educational level and cardiovascular disease risk factors in schoolchildren in large urban areas of Turkey: directions for public health policy. BMC Public Health. 5(1):13. (IF/2005:1.658)

23.         Panagiotakos DB, Pitsavos C, Manios Y, Polychronopoulos E, Chrysohoou CA, Stefanadis C. (2005) Socio-economic status in relation to risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease, in healthy individuals from the ATTICA study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation. 12(1):68-74. (IF/2005:2.333)

24.         Papoutsakis C, Yiannakouris N, Manios Y, Papaconstantinou E, Magkos F, Schulpis KH, Zampelas A, Matalas AL. (2005) Plasma homocysteine concentrations in Greek children are influenced by an interaction between the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T genotype and folate status. Journal of Nutrition. 135(3):383-388. (IF/2005:3.689)

25.         Magkos F, Manios Y, Babaroutsi E, Sidossis LS. (2005) Quantitative ultrasound calcaneus measurements: normative data for the Greek population. Osteoporosis International Mar; 16(3):280-288. Epub 2004 Jul 6. (IF/2005:4.216)

26.         Babaroutsi E, Magkos F, Manios Y, Sidossis LS. (2005) Body mass index, calcium intake, and physical activity affect calcaneal ultrasound in healthy Greek males in an age-dependent and parameter-specific manner. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism; 23(2):157-166. (IF/2005:1.464)

27.         Manios Y, Kolotourou M, Moschonis G, Sur H, Keskin Y, Kocaoglu B, Hayran O (2005). Macronutrient intake, physical activity, serum lipids and increased body weight in primary schoolchildren in Istanbul. Pediatrics International. 47(2):159-166. (IF/2005:0.666)

28.         Manios Y, Antonopoulou S, Kaliora AC, Felliou G, Perrea D. (2005). Dietary intake and biochemical risk factors for cardiovascular disease in two rural regions of Crete. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 56(Suppl 1):171-181 (IF/2005:2.212)

29.         Sur H, Kolotourou M, Dimitriou M, Kocaoglu B, Keskin Y, Hayran O, Manios Y. (2005) Biochemical and behavioural indices related to BMI in school children in urban Turkey. Preventive Medicine 41(2):614-621 (IF/2005: 2.195)

30.         Dedoussis GV, Genschel J, Sialvera TE, Bochow B, Manolaki N, Manios Y, Tsafantakis E, Schmidt H. (2005) Wilson disease: high prevalence in a mountainous area of Crete. Annals of Human Genetics. 69(Pt 3):268-274. (IF/2005:3.192)

31.         Kafatos A, Manios Y, Moschandreas I. (2005) Health and nutrition education in primary schools of Crete: follow-up changes in body mass index and overweight status. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 59(9):1090-2. (IF/2005:2.163)

32.         The Local Food- Nutraceuticals Consortium. (2005) Understanding local Mediterranean diets: A multidisciplinary pharmacological and ethnobotanical approach. Pharmacological Research  52:353-366. (IF/2005:2.096)

33.         Manios Y, Harizani K, Markakis G, Galani P, Manios T. (2005) Relating fruit and vegetable consumption in households with residue generation and utilization in the city of Heraklion, Crete, Greece. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 12: 1-9 (IF/2005:0.333)

34.         Manios Y, Magkos F, Christakis G, Kafatos AG. (2005). Twenty-year dynamics in adiposity and blood lipids of Greek children: regional differences in Crete persist. Acta Paediatrica 94(7):859-865 (IF/2005:1.277)

35.         Manios Y, Panagiotakos DB, Pitsavos C, Polychronopoulos E, Stefanadis C. (2005) Implication of socio-economic status on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Greek adults: the ATTICA study. Health Policy 74(2):224-232 (IF/2005:0.964)

36.         Papoutsakis C, Yiannakouris N, Manios Y, Papaconstantinou E, Magkos F, Schulpis KH, Zampelas A, Matalas AL. (2006) The effect of MTHFR(C677T) genotype on plasma homocysteine concentrations in healthy children is influenced by gender. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 60(2):155-62. Epub 2005 (IF/2005:2.163)

37.         Manios Y, Magkos F, Christakis G, Kafatos A. (2005) Changing relationships of obesity and dyslipidemia in Greek children: 1982–2002. Preventive Medicine 41(5-6):846-51 Epub 2005 Oct 26. (IF/2005: 2.195)

38.         Magkos F, Manios Y, Babaroutsi E, Sidossis LS. (2006) Development and validation of a food frequency questionnaire for assessing dietary calcium intake in the general population. Osteoporosis International. 17(2):304-312 Epub 2004 Sep 10. (IF/2005:4.216)

39.         Cassidy A, Albertazzi P, Nielsen IL, Hall W, Williamson G, Tetens I, Atkins S, Cross H, Manios Y, Wolk A, Steiner C, Branca F. (2006) Critical review of health effects of soyabean phyto- oestrogens in post-menopausal women. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 65(1):76-92 (IF/2005: 2.649)

40.         Manios Y. (2006) Design and descriptives results of the “Growth, Exercise and Nutrition Epidemiological Study In preSchoolers”: the GENESIS Study. BMC Public Health 6(1):32 (IF/2005:1.658)

41.         Magkos F, Manios Y, Christakis G, Kafatos A. (2006) Age- dependent changes in body size of Greek boys during 1982-2002. Obesity Research 14(2):289-94 (IF/2004: 3.701)

42.         Manios Y, Kafatos A, and the Preventive Medicine and Nutrition Clinic University of Crete Research Team. (2006) Health and Nutrition Education in Primary Schools of Crete: Ten years follow-up on serum lipids, physical activity and macronutrients intake. British Journal of Nutrition 95(3):568-575 (IF/2005:2.967)

43.         Magkos F, Piperkou I, Manios Y, Papoutsakis C, Yiannakouris N, Cimponerio A, Aloumanis K, Skenderi K, Papathoma A, Arvaniti F, Sialvera TE, Christou D, Zampelas A. (2006) Diet, blood lipid profile, and physical activity patterns in primary school children from a semi-rural area of Greece. Journal of HumanNutrition and Dietetics 19(2):101-112 (IF/2005: 1.138)

44.         Angelopoulos PD, Milionis HJ, Moschonis G, Manios Y. (2006) Relations between obesity and hypertension: preliminary data from a cross-sectional study in primary schoolchildren: The CHILDREN Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 60(10):1226-34 (IF/2005:2.163)

45.         Maragakis GM, Kapetanakou DN, Manios Y. (2007) Caries prevalence and location and dental treatment needs in preschoolers in Athens – GENESIS Project. Community Dental Health 24(4): 264-267.

46.         Manios Y, Detopoulou V, Visioli F, Galli C. (2006) Mediterranean diet and dietary guidelines: Misconceptions and the neglected role of locally consumed foods and wild green plants. Forum of Nutrition 59:154-70.

47.         Visioli F, Bogani P, Grande S, Detopoulou V, Manios Y, Galli C. (2006) Local food and cardioprotection: the role of phytochemicals. Forum of Nutrition  59:116-29.

48.         Manios Y, Moschonis G, Grammatikaki E, Katsaroli I, Kanelou P, Tanagra S. (2006) Nutrition Education in postmenopausal women: Changes in dietary and cardiovascular indices. Maturitas 55(4):338-47 (IF/2005:2.004)

49.         Manios Y, Kafatos I, Kafatos A and the Preventive Medicine and Nutrition Clinic University of Crete Research Team. Ten Year Follow-Up Of The Cretan Health And Nutrition Education Program On Children's Physical Activity Levels. Preventive Medicine 43(6):442-6 (IF/2005: 2.195).

50.         Magkos F, Manios Y, Babaroutsi E, Sidossis LS. (2006) Differences in the quantitative and qualitative performance of a calcium-specific food frequency questionnaire across age and sex. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 19(5):331-42 (IF/2005:1.138)

51.         Manios Y, Moschonis G, Katsaroli I, Grammatikaki E, Tanagra S. Changes in diet quality score, macro- and micronutrients intake following a nutrition education intervention in postmenopausal women. Journal of Human Nutrition And Dietetics 20(2):126-31 (IF/2005:1.138)

52.         Kanoni S, Dedoussis G, Manios Y, Malavolta M, Mocchegiani E. (2006) Health status, blood and anthropometrical indices from Greek old and nonagenarian subjects.  Biogerontology 7(5-6):329-37 (IF/2005:2.362)

53.         Moschonis G, Manios Y. (2006) Skeletal site-dependent response of BMD and QUS parameters following a 12-month dietary intervention using dairy products fortified with calcium and vitamin D: The Postmenopausal Health Study. British Journal of Nutrition 96(6):1140-8 (IF/2005:2.967)

54.         Kafatos Ι, Manios Y, Moschandreas J, Kafatos A and the Preventive Medicine and Nutrition Clinic University of Crete Research Team. (2007) Health And Nutrition Education Program In Primary Schools Of Crete: Blood Pressure Changes Over Ten Years. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 61(7):837-45 Jan 10 Epub ahead of print (IF/2005:2.163)

55.         Dedoussis GVZ, Theodoraki EV, Manios Y, Yiannakouris N, Panagiotakos DB Papoutsakis K, Skenderi K, Zampelas A. (2007) The Pro12Ala polymorphism in PPARγ2 gene affects lipid parameters in Greek primary school children; a case of gene-to-gender interaction. American Journal of Medical Science 333(1):10-5 (IF/2005:1.399)

56.         Lagou V, Moran CN, Wilson RH, Bailey MES, Manios Y, Grammatikaki E, Oikonomou E, Ioannou E, Moschonis G, Pitsiladis YP. (2007) Developmental changes in adiposity in toddlers and preschoolers in the GENESIS study and associations with the ACE I/D polymorphism. International Journal of Obesity 31(7):1052-60 Apr 3 Epub ahead of print (IF/2005:4.482)

57.         De Henauw S, Gottrand F, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Gonzalez-Gross M, Leclercq C, Kafatos A, Molnar D, Marcos A, Castillo M, Dallongeville J, Gilbert C1, Bergman P, Widhalm K, Manios Y, Breidenassel C, Kersting M, Moreno LA on behalf of the HELENA Study Group* (2007) Nutritional status and lifestyle of adolescents in a public health perspective. The HELENA Project - Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence. Journal of Public Health (IF/2005:1.031) - in press

58.         Moreno LA, González-Gross M, Kersting M, Molnár D, de Henauw S, Beghin L, Sjöström M, Hagstromer M, Manios Y, Gilbert C, Ortega FB, Dallongeville J, Arcella D, Wärnberg J, Hallberg M, Fredriksson H, Maes L, Widhalm K, Kafatos AG, Marcos A - on behalf of the HELENA Study Group* (2007) Assessing, understanding and modifying nutritional status, eating habits and physical activity in European adolescents. The HELENA Study. Public Health Nutrition 11(3):288-299 Jul 6 Epub ahead of print (IF/2005:1.918)

59.         Manios Y, Moschonis G, Kolotourou M, Keskin Y, Sur H, Kocaoglu B, Hayran O (2007) Iron deficiency prevalence and dietary patterns by school district in Istanbul. Journal of Human Nutrition And Dietetics 20(6):549-57 (IF/2005:1.138)

60.         Farajian P, Renti E, Manios Y (2007) Obesity indices in relation to cardiovascular disease risk factors among young adult female students. British Journal of Nutrition ():1-7 Oct 5 Epub ahead of print (IF/2005:2.967)

61.         Manios Y, Moschonis G, Trovas G, Lyritis GP (2007) Changes in biochemical indexes of bone metabolism and bone mineral density after a 12-mo dietary intervention program: The postmenopausal health study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 86(3):781-9 (IF/2005:5.853)

62.         Manios Υ, Costarelli V, Kolotourou M, Kondaki K, Tzavara C, Moschonis G (2007) Prevalence of obesity in preschool Greek children, in relation to parental characteristics and region of residence: the GENESIS Study. BMC Public Health 7(1):178 Jul 25 Epub ahead of print (IF/2006:1.60)

63.         Tountas Y, Manios Y, Dimitrakaki C, Tzavara C (2007) Relationship between basic protective health behaviours and health related quality of life in Greek urban hospital employees. International Journal of Public Health 52: 341-347

64.         Manios Y, Moschonis G, Kourlaba G, Bouloubasi Z, Grammatikaki E, Spyridaki A, Hatzis C, Kafatos A, Fragiadakis GA. (2008) Prevalence and independent predictors of insulin resistance among children from Crete; The Children Study. Diabetic Medicine Jan;25(1):65-72. Epub 2007 Nov 19 (IF/2005: 2.484)

65.         Moschonis G, Grammatikaki E, Manios Y. (2007) Perinatal predictors of overweight at infancy and preschool childhood. the GENESIS study International Journal of Obesity Jan;32(1):39-47. Epub 2007 Dec 4 (IF/2006:4.055)

66.         Lagou V, Scott RA, Manios Y, Joshua Chen TL, Wang C, Grammatikaki E, Kortsalioudaki C, Liarigkovinos T, Moschonis G, Roma-Giannikou E, Pitsiladis YP. (2008) Impact of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and delta on adiposity in toddlers and preschoolers in the GENESIS study. Obesity Epub ahead of print Jan 31 (IF/2006:3.491)

67.         Manios Υ, Grammatikaki Ε, Papoutsou S, Liarigkovinos T, Kondaki K, Moschonis G (2008) Nutrient intakes of toddlers and preschoolers in Greece: the GENESIS Study. Journal of the American Dietetic Association Feb;108:357-61 (IF/2006:2.564)

68.         Kourlaba G, Pitsiladis YP, Lagou V, Grammatikaki E, Moran CN, Kondaki K, Roma-Giannikou E, Manios Y (2008) Interaction effects between total energy and macronutrient intakes and angiotensin-converting enzyme 1 (ACE) I/D polymorphism  on adiposity-related phenotypes in toddlers and preschoolers: the GENESIS Study. British Journal of Nutrition May 15:1-8. Epub ahead of print (IF/2006: 2.708)

69.         Manios Υ, Grammatikaki Ε, Kondaki K, Ioannou E, Anastasiadou A, Birbilis M (2008) The effect of maternal obesity on initiation and duration of breastfeeding in Greece: The GENESIS Study. Public Health Nutrition June 12:1-8. Epub ahead of print (IF/2006:2.123)

70.         Manios Y, Kourlaba G, Kafatos A, Cook TL, Spyridaki A, Fragiadakis GA. (2008) Associations of several anthropometric indices with insulin resistance in children: The CHILDREN Study. Acta Paediatrica 97: 494-499 (IF/2007: 1.411)

71.         Manios Y, Kondaki K, Kourlaba G, Birbilis M, Ioannou E. (2008) Television viewing time and food habits in toddlers and preschoolers in Greece; The GENESIS study. European Journal of Pediatrics October 3 Epub ahead of print (IF/2006: 1.137)

72.         Moreno LA, De Henauw S, Gonzalez-Gross M, Kersting M, Molnar D, Gottrand F, Barrios L, Sjostrom M, Manios Y, Gilbert CC and others. 2008. Design and implementation of the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Obesity (Lond) 32 Suppl 5:S4-11. (IF/2006:4.055)

73.         Beghin L, Castera M, Manios Y, Gilbert CC, Kersting M, De Henauw S, Kafatos A, Gottrand F, Molnar D, Sjostrom M, Leclercq C, Widhalm K, Mesana MI, Moreno LA, Libersa C. (2008) Quality assurance of ethical issues and regulatory aspects relating to good clinical practices in the HELENA Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Obesity (Lond) 32 Suppl 5:S12-18 (IF/2006:4.055)

74.         Iliescu C, Beghin L, Maes L, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Libersa C, Vereecken C, Gonzalez-Gross M, Kersting M, Molnar D, Leclercq C, Sjostrom M, Manios Y, Wildhalm K, Kafatos A, Moreno LA, Gottrand, F. (2008) Socioeconomic questionnaire and clinical assessment in the HELENA Cross-Sectional Study: methodology. International Journal of Obesity (Lond) 32 Suppl 5:S19-25 (IF/2006:4.055)

75.         Vereecken CA, Covents M, Sichert-Hellert W, Alvira JM, Le Donne C, De Henauw S, De Vriendt T, Phillipp MK, Beghin L, Manios Y, Hallstrom L, Poortvliet E, Matthys C, Plada M, Nagy E, Moreno LA. (2008) Development and evaluation of a self-administered computerized 24-h dietary recall method for adolescents in Europe. International Journal of Obesity (Lond) 32 Suppl 5:S26-34 (IF/2006:4.055)

76.         Kersting M, Sichert-Hellert W, Vereecken CA, Diehl J, Beghin L, De Henauw S, Grammatikaki E, Manios Y, Mesana MI, Papadaki A, Phillipp K, Plada M, Poorvliet E, Sette S. (2008) Food and nutrient intake, nutritional knowledge and diet-related attitudes in European adolescents. International Journal of Obesity (Lond) 32 Suppl 5:S35-41. (IF/2006:4.055)

77.         Hagstromer M, Bergman P, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Ortega FB, Ruiz JR, Manios Y, Rey-Lopez JP, Phillipp K, von Berlepsch J, Sjostrom M. (2008) Concurrent validity of a modified version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-A) in European adolescents: The HELENA Study. International Journal of Obesity (Lond) 32 Suppl 5:S42-48 (IF/2006:4.055)

78.         Ortega FB, Artero EG, Ruiz JR, Vicente-Rodriguez G, Bergman P, Hagstromer M, Ottevaere C, Nagy E, Konsta O, Rey-Lopez JP, Polito A, Dietrich S, Plada M, Beghin L, Manios Y, Sjostrom M, Castillo MJ. (2008) Reliability of health-related physical fitness tests in European adolescents. The HELENA Study. International Journal of Obesity (Lond) 32 Suppl 5:S49-57 (IF/2006:4.055)

79.         Nagy E, Vicente-Rodriguez G, Manios Y, Beghin L, Iliescu C, Censi L, Dietrich S, Ortega FB, De Vriendt T, Plada M, Moreno LA, Molnar D. (2008) Harmonization process and reliability assessment of anthropometric measurements in a multicenter study in adolescents. International Journal of Obesity (Lond) 32 Suppl 5:S58-65. (IF/2006:4.055)

80.         Maes L, Vereecken CA, Gedrich K, Rieken K, Sichert-Hellert W, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Kersting M, Manios Y, Plada M, Hagstromer M, Dietrich S, Matthys C. (2008) A feasibility study of using a diet optimization approach in a web-based computer-tailoring intervention for adolescents. International Journal of Obesity (Lond) 32 Suppl 5:S76-81. (IF/2006:4.055)

81.         Kyriacou A, Drakopoulou S, Georgaki I, Fountoulakis M, Mitsou E, Lasaridi KE, Manios Y, Manios T. 2008. Screening for faecal contamination in primary schools in Crete, Greece. Child Care Health Dev. November 12 Epub ahead of print

82.         Mihas C, Mariolis A, Manios Y, Naska A, Panagiotakos D, Arapaki A, Alevizos A, Mariolis-Sapsakos T, Tountas Y. (2008) Overweight/obesity and factors associated with body mass index during adolescence: the VYRONAS study. Acta Paediatrica November 22 Epub ahead of print

83.         Manios Y, Kondaki K, Kourlaba G, Vassilopoulou E, Grammatikaki E (2008) Maternal perceptions on their child’s weight status: the GENESIS Study. Public Health Nutrition Dec 24 Epub ahead of print (IF/2007:1.858)

84.         Manios Y, Moschonis G, Koutsikas K, Papoutsou S, Petraki I, Bellou E, Naoumi A, Kostea S, Tanagra S. (2009) Changes in body composition following a dietary and lifestyle intervention trial: the postmenopausal health study. Maturitas 62(1):58-65. Epub 2008 Dec 31. (IF/2007:2.023)

85.         Manios Y, Kourlaba G, Kondaki K, Grammatikaki E, Birbilis M, Oikonomou E, Roma- Giannikou E (2009) Diet quality of preschoolers in Greece based on the Healthy Eating Index; The GENESIS study. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 109(4):616-23 (IF/2007:3.011)

86.         Vereecken C, De Henauw S, Maes L, Moreno L, Manios Y, Phillipp K, Plada M, De Bourdeaudhuij I; on behalf of the HELENA Study Group. (2009) Reliability and validity of a healthy diet determinants questionnaire for adolescents. Public Health Nutrition Feb 6:1-9 Epub ahead of print (IF/2007:1.858)

87.         Angelopoulos PD, Milionis HJ, Grammatikaki E, Moschonis G, Manios Y (2009) Changes in BMI and Blood Pressure after a school based intervention: The CHILDREN study. European Journal of Public Health February 10 Epub ahead of print (IF/2007:1.910)

88.         Manios Y, Moschonis G, Panagiotakos DB, Farajian P, Trovas G, Lyritis GP. (2009) Changes in biochemical indices of bone metabolism in post-menopausal women following a dietary intervention with fortified dairy products. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 22(2):156-65. Epub 2009 Feb 13. (IF/2007:1.821)

89.         Kourlaba G, Kondaki K, Liarigkovinos T, Manios Y. (2009) Factors associated with television viewing time in toddlers and preschoolers in Greece : the GENESIS study.  Journal of Public Health (Oxf). Feb 18 Epub ahead of print

90.         Angelopoulos P, Kourlaba G, Kondaki K, Fragiadakis GA, Manios Y. (2009) Assessing children’s diet quality in Crete based on Healthy Eating Index: The Children Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 63(8):964-9. (IF/2008:2.686)

91.         Moschonis G, Tanagra S, Koutsikas K, Nikolaidou A, Androutsos O, Manios Y (2009) Association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and body composition in postmenopausal women: the Postmenopausal Health Study. Menopause March 6 16(4):701-7. (IF/2008:3.452)

92.         Manios Y, Kourlaba G, Kondaki K, Grammatikaki E, Anastasiadou A, Roma-Giannikou E. (2009) Obesity and Television Watching in Preschoolers in Greece: The GENESIS Study. Obesity 17(11):2047-53 (IF/2008:2.762)

93.         Xepapadaki P, Manios Y, Liarigkovinos T, Grammatikaki E, Douladiris N, Kortsalioudaki C, Papadopoulos NG (2009) Association of passive exposure of pregnant women to environmental tobacco smoke with asthma symptoms in children. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Aug; 20(5):423-29 Epub 2009 22 Jul (IF/2008: 2.723)

94.         Emmanouil E, Manios Y, Grammatikaki E, Kondaki K, Oikonomou E, Papadopoulos N, Vassilopoulou E (2009) Association of nutrient intake and wheeze or asthma in a Greek pre-school population Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 21(1 Pt 1):90-5 (IF/2008: 2.723)

95.         Cattaneo A, Monasta L, Stamatakis E, Lioret S, Castetbon K, Frenken F, Manios Y, Moschonis G, Savva S, Zaborskis A, Rito AI, Nanu M, Vignerová J, Caroli M, Ludvigsson J, Koch FS, Serra-Majem L, Szponar L, van Lenthe F, Brug J (2009) Overweight and obesity in infants and pre-school children in the European Union: a review of existing data. Obes Rev. 2010 11(5):389-98. [Epub ahead of print] (IF/2008: 5.569)

96.         Cochrane S, Beyer K, Clausen M, Wjst M, Hiller R, Nicoletti C, Szepfalusi Z, Savelkoul H, Breiteneder H, Manios Y, Crittenden R, Burney P. (2009) Factors influencing the incidence and prevalence of food allergy. Allergy. Sep;64(9):1246-55 (IF/2008:6.204)

97.         Ortega FB, Artero EG, Ruiz JR, Espańa-Romero V, Jiménez-Pavón D, Vicente-Rodríguez G, Moreno LA, Manios Y, Beghin L, Ottevaere C, Ciarapica D, Sarri K, Dietrich S, Blair SN, Kersting M, Molnar D, González-Gross M, Gutiérrez A, Sjöström M, Castillo MJ. (2009) Physical fitness levels among European adolescents: The HELENA study. Br J Sports Med. Aug 20. [Epub ahead of print] (IF/2008:2.126)

98.         Mihas C, Mariolis A, Manios Y, Naska A, Arapaki A, Mariolis-Sapsakos T, Tountas Y. (2009) Evaluation of a nutrition intervention in adolescents of an urban area in Greece: short- and long-term effects of the VYRONAS study. Public Health Nutr. 2010 13(5):712-9 (IF/2008:2.123)

99.         Verier C, Meirhaeghe A, Bokor S, Breidenassel C, Manios Y, Molnár D, Artero EG, Nova E, De Henauw S, Moreno LA, Amouyel P, Labayen I, Bevilacqua N, Turck D, Béghin L, Dallongeville J, Gottrand F; on behalf of the HELENA study group. (2009) Breastfeeding modulates the influence of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARG2) Pro12Ala polymorphism on adiposity in adolescents: the HELENA Cross-Sectional Study. Diabetes Care. 2010 33(1):190-6 (IF/2008:7.851)

100.     Bokor S, Legry V, Meirhaeghe A, Ruiz JR, Mauro B, Widhalm K, Manios Y, Amouyel P, Moreno LA, Molnŕr D, Dallongeville J; on behalf of the HELENA Study group (2010) Single-nucleotide Polymorphism of CD36 Locus and Obesity in European Adolescents. Obesity (Silver Spring). 18(7):1398-403 (IF/2008:2.762)

101.     Kourlaba G, Kondaki K, Grammatikaki E, Roma-Giannikou E, Manios Y (2009) Diet quality of preschool children and maternal perceptions/misperceptions; The GENESIS study Public Health 123(11):738-42 (IF/2008: 1.204)

102.     Costarelli V & Manios Y (2009) The influence of socioeconomic status and ethnicity on children’s excess body weight. Nutrition & Food Science  39(6): 676-684

103.     Papoutsakis C, Manios Y, Magkos F, Papaconstantinou E, Schulpis KH, Zampelas A, Matalas AL, Yiannakouris N. (2010) Effect of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR 677C>T) polymorphism on plasma homocysteine concentrations in healthy children is influenced by consumption of folate-fortified foods. Nutrition. 2010 26(10):969-74 (IF/2008:2.28)

104.     Kanellakis S, Kourlaba G, Moschonis G, Vandorou A, Manios Y (2010) Development and validation of two equations estimating body composition for overweight and obese postmenopausal women. Maturitas. 65(1):64-8. Epub 2009 Dec 3. (IF/2008:2.032)

105.     De Cocker K, Ottevaere C, Sjöström M, Moreno LA, Wärnberg J, Valtueńa J, Manios Y, Dietrich S, Mauro B, Artero EG, Molnár D, Hagströmer M, Ruiz JR, Sarri K, Kafatos A, Gottrand F, De Henauw S, Maes L, De Bourdeaudhuij I (2010) Self reported physical activity in European adolescents: results from the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study. Public Health Nutr. 18:1-9 (IF/2008:2.123) 

106.     Rey-López JP, Vicente-Rodriguez G, B Ortega F, Ruiz JR, Martinez-Gómez D, De Henauw S, Manios Y, Molnar D, Polito A, Verloigne M, Castillo MJ, Sjöström M, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Moreno LA; on behalf of the HELENA Study Group (2010) Sedentary patterns and media availability in European adolescents: The HELENA study. Prev Med. 2010 51(1):50-5  (IF/2008:2.757)

107.     Ruiz JR, Labayen I, Ortega FB, Legry V, Moreno LA, Dallongeville J, Martínez-Gómez D, Bokor S, Manios Y, Ciarapica D, Gottrand F, De Henauw S, Molnár D, Sjöström M, Meirhaeghe A; HELENA Study Group (2010) Attenuation of the effect of the FTO rs9939609 polymorphism on total and central body fat by physical activity in adolescents: the HELENA study. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.  164(4):328-33 (IF/2008:4.32) 

108.     Moschonis G, Katsaroli I, Lyritis GP, Manios Y (2010) The effects of a 30-month dietary intervention on bone mineral density: The Postmenopausal Health Study. Br J Nutr. 2010 104(1):100-7 (IF/2008:2.764) 

109.     Manios Y, Kourlaba G, Grammatikaki E, Androutsos O, Moschonis G, Roma-Giannikou E (2010) Development of a diet-lifestyle quality index for young children and its relation to obesity; The Preschoolers Diet-Lifestyle Index Public Health Nutrition 22:1-10 (IF/2008:2.123) (Epub ahead of print)

110.     De Bourdeaudhuij I, Maes L, De Henauw S, De Vriendt T, Moreno LA, Kersting M, Sarri K, Manios Y, Widhalm K, Sjöstrom M, Ruiz JR, Haerens L; HELENA Study Group (2010) Evaluation of a computer-tailored physical activity intervention in adolescents in six European countries: the Activ-O-Meter in the HELENA intervention study. J Adolesc Health. 46(5):458-66. Epub 2010 Jan 13 (IF/2008:2.91) 

111.     Manios Y, Angelopoulos PD, Kourlaba G, Kolotourou M, Grammatikaki E, Cook TL, Bouloubasi Z, Kafatos AG (2010) Prevalence of obesity and BMI correlates in a representative sample of Cretan schoolchildren Int Journal of Pediatric Obesity (IF/2008: 3.984) - in press

112.     Manios Y, Kourlaba G, Grammatikaki E, Androutsos O, Ioannou E, Roma-Giannikou E (2010) Comparison of two methods for identifying dietary patterns associated with obesity in preschool children; The GENESIS study European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (IF/2008:2.686) – Epub ahead of print

113.     Kelly B, Halford JCG, Boyland EJ, Chapman K, Bautista-Castańo I, Berg C, Caroli M, Cook B, Coutinho JG, Effertz T, Grammatikaki E, Keller K, Leung R, Manios Y, Monteiro R, Pedley C, Prell H, Raine K, Recine E, Serra-Majem L, Singh S, Summerbell C (2010) Television food advertising to children: a global perspective American Journal of Public Health 100(9):1730-6 (IF/2008:4.241) 

114.     Moschonis G, Tanagra S, Vandorou A, Kyriakou AE, Dede V, Siatitsa PE, Koumpitski A, Androutsos O, Grammatikaki E, Kantilafti M, Naoumi A, Farmaki AE, Siopi A, Papadopoulou EZ, Voutsadaki E, Chlouveraki F, Maragkopoulou K, Argyri E, Giannopoulou A, Manios Y (2010) Social, economic and demographic correlates of overweight and obesity in primary schoolchildren. Preliminary data from the Healthy Growth Study. Public Health Nutrition 13(10A):1693-1700. (IF/2008:2.123) 

115.     Brug J, te Velde S, Chinapaw M, de Bourdeaudhuij I, Bere E, Summerbell C, Maes L,  Chinapaw M, Jensen J, Manios Y, Lien N, Klepp KI, Lobstein T, Salmon J, Singh AS. (2010) Evidence-based development of school-based and family-involved intervention for the prevention of overweight across Europe: The ENERGY-project’s design and conceptual framework. Public Health Nutrition 25;10:276 (IF/2008:2.123)

116.     Martinez-Gomez D, Ruiz JR, Ortega FB, Veiga OL, Moliner-Urdiales D, Mauro B, Galfo M, Manios Y, Widhalm K, Béghin L, Moreno LA, Molnar D, Marcos A,  Sjöström M; on behalf of the HELENA study group* (2010) Recommended levels of  physical activity to avoid excess of body fat in European adolescents. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 39(3):203-11 (IF/2008:3.766)